Tuesday 13 August 2013


....Hello hello hello! I have returned! After my momentary lapse of imagination I have returned to the blogging world and 'Everybody loves rainbows'. I have been missing my writing spells and after a little nudge from a beautiful and lovely old friend i have decided it is time to get back into the swing of story time.

SO! I've just been away for a few days visiting friends and family in Bristol which was splendid. I had a super time, and in fact the weekend before i was away as well at my dear friend Jo's hen weekend near Bath. What a fabulous time we all had, poor Jo got bullied into doing a few too many shots on the first eve bless her heart. Shots are fun when you are 17 and more than able to get up the next day, brain unaffected! But i do feel something happens after your 25th year in which your body takes a turn and just says, 'No more, no more shots, PLEASE!'. I think what made it worse was that we actually forgot to buy any decent shots in the form of the slightly tamer alcoholic beverage 'Apple Sourz' and 'Cherry Cola' or whatever it is you buy which are ridiculously bright in color and misleadingly easy to drink to the point of no return. So instead Jo almost devoured a whole bottle of Pimms in shot form. And for that most dreaded massacre, i dedicate this post to her.


There is something charming about hen weekends, all the girls together, some you haven't seen for a while and some you have never met before in your life. An assortment of ages, a mass of interests, and an honesty which you very rarely find in every day life banter. However,  something happens behind those 'Hen' walls which unleashes your fun, hyper, slightly immature and dare i say it, filthy side. I mean, what is it that says, 'Ok, you are on a hen weekend now, you can start acting like a bloke with boobs!?'...Anyway, that seems to be the case with the majority. I take my hat off to those females who are able to remain feminine and dainty on a hen weekend...i know i certainly can't. I'm one of those that manages to announce to a room full of people personal things that would rather be left unsaid. For example, since having a C-Section my husband says that my upper half looks somewhat like a smiley face...(which i shall leave to your imagination)...Which is fine, but there is something quite sad about the fact that my once young, firm and unmarked body is no more and instead looks like an emoticon. But why on earth did i feel the need to announce that?... its just as well that one look at my son and i think i can get over that fact, and hey, at least its a Smiley face and not a Wink face! Or one of those robot emoticons!!! That would just be awful!!! I would scream at myself every time i stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror! Can you imagine! Id be afraid to moisturise for fear my hands would get bitten off!...BLIMEY!!! No, my body says 'HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!'...anyway, ill move on shall i...

Its also on hen weekends that i discover i have a filthy laugh! Like a really dirty laugh which you would expect a 70 year old french prostitute with no teeth to have! But nope, i have one and it always shocks me by popping out of my mouth at hen weekends! Someone says 'Would you like a penis straw?' And wahaaayyyyyy there it is! My dirty laugh! Almost like an explosion which turns into the sound you would make if you were making a monotone droning noise whilst being pushed down a long and steep staircase on a sledge. Yip, i have a dirty mouth. It seems. At hen parties! Id be keen to know if anybody else has an interesting laugh which only appears in certain situations...please post! ;)

I do wish my friend Jo and her gorgeous fiance Phil the most beautiful wedding in a few weeks time. You are the most stunning couple and deserve a lifetime of happiness together. Cannot wait to share the day with you, your friends and family!

So yes, it has come to that stage in my first year as a parent that i am in fact, venturing out again on hen weekends! Not every weekend! Of course! But the deed has been done! I have left my baby and gone out and had fun! My social life is progressing in the land of motherhood. Did i feel guilty?...maybe, i think i tried to make myself feel guilty because i was guilty that i didn't actually feel that guilty! If you know what i mean! In all honesty, it actually did me the world of good, and missing him was healthy. By Sunday all i could think about was having his weight in my arms and spending the rest of the day with him, making him giggle and smothering him with kisses. And, i got to spend time with my friends, feeling a little more like the old me, the me that i miss from time to time. And for a whole weekend i got that back and laughed so much that at times i was concerned that i might in fact, almost pee myself! JOYOUS! And you know, i really feel as though i have reconnected with some of my dearest friends, and that is priceless. Such important things are friends.

Well now, i am in back in Devonshire after yet another wonderful weekend helping my Aunty Cathy celebrate her 50th birthday amongst friends and family. Always so nice to have a good knees up and dance like a maniac with cousins, aunts etc etc. I think all in all its fair to say i feel happy, rejuvenated and excited about my future days with my beautiful son, my gorgeous family and friends that not even star dust could by. I'm one lucky emoticon lady.

OH...just before i go! On the drive back home today, i witnessed a young fellow with several large bags trying to hitch hike in the middle of a roundabout!!! Is it me or is that just absolutely, completely, undoubtedly RIDONKULOUS!!!

Bye folks. xxx

Thursday 6 June 2013

A change of heart...

Greetings blog friends,

I do hope you are well and appreciating this fine fine weather we have been experiencing! Twas 23C here in Devon today. That's a world record. I'm very much looking forward to a pleasant stroll with my new mummy friend and her little baby boy tomorrow. It will be fun! I'm not entirely sure where we are walking too yet but i don't have any other plans so we could go as far as Russia for all i care! Now that would be fun! What to wear? What do you wear when you walk to Russia? Layers...

So, this evening i would like to talk about...well...nothing particularly specific really. I've been a bit pissy today if i am fair. I woke up in a pretty decent mood but then that deteriorated pretty quickly and by lunch time i was a female Grinch to say the least. And its not even Christmas yet! Probably something to do with Hubby leaving to go offshore. Yes, that's probably it. Anyway, we managed to grab a coffee before he got the train which was nice, the station at Barnstaple just happens to have quite a sweet little outdoor cafe area actually with lots of pretty flowers growing up the fence. Its nice. Just FYI for all you trainspotters out there who enjoy a nice cup of tea and a sausage roll.

I think i have decided to ditch this blog and start another one about a fictional character I will   keep her and her life very loosely linked to my own but i will make it a bit more exciting. If i continue the way i am it will only be a matter of time before i start to lose you all, and by 'you all' there could only be 3 of you. I don't know, there's only so much i can say about my latest trip to Boots and the boy i almost knocked over on his skateboard today (it was his fault). NO, i have made up my mind, from now on you shall know me as the fictional and slightly eccentric character...Dandy! Bit of a strange name but i like it and that is what i will call her. That will be her name. Dandy...

Good bye my friends, so long, farewell, bugger ye off, my time has come and now i say adieu!

Friday 24 May 2013

It's the joy of motherhood...

ALLO ALLO! I have returned! Almost 2 weeks after my first post i know! I imagined myself to be on the laptop most days writing something of some sort, big or small, however, it would seem things don't quite work out the way you imagine when you have a small human to look after. Absolutely wonderful as it is. Not complaining in the slightest...

Hope you are all well and enjoying the month of May, we've seen some rather lovely sunshine haven't we...bloomin glorious some days down here in Devonshire. In fact yesterday morning was so beautiful i decided it would be a good idea to take myself and baby for a walk from Braunton to Barnstaple along the Tarka Trail...i did ask hubby to check the weather for me before setting out as this walk is probably a good 6 miles  (at least) and takes a good 90 minutes.  So i thought it would be super smart just to check the weather was going to last. Its not the kind of stroll that offers much cover should a storm hit. Now, i'm not going to go on and on about it because for the best part it was absolutely charming and my last post was mainly about a walk so i don't want to become repetitive  However, about 35 minutes away from Barnstaple, as if from nowhere a massive rain cloud passed. I did that thing that happens in blockbuster movies where i kept looking up at the sky as if i was about to get attacked by an oncoming space ship or something. Pushing Harvey in his pram my happy skip turned into a brisk walk, which (still looking over my shoulder at the rolling clouds) turned into a light jog...by the time the rain AND hail stones came crashing down i was in full sprint trying to get away but it was no use. Down it came and yes i was pretty much soaked from head to toe within a matter of seconds. Looking back on it I have absolutely no idea why i ran as there was nowhere to get to...just a long trail to Barnstaple, still healthily in the distance. Perhaps it was the thrill of the chase that made me take haste, i do like to live on the edge... Harvey remained safe, warm and dry in his pram thank goodness, i dont think he really realised what was going on, perhaps he thought 'Oh goody, mummy's making me go fast!'. Lucky for me, the sun came back out almost instantly and the wind was pretty strong so i dried off by the time i got to town, almost like a bed sheet hanging on the line. I did get a few sympathetic smiles from the cyclists that past by (one of which I could have sworn was Michael Crawford!!!). I had to do that half smile have tut face in exchange for their efforts. That look that says, 'Yeah i know! Should have put a rain jacket on! Silly me! I'm a knob head!'.

Just as i was getting into town the flippin rain cloud approached behind me once again can you believe! So right outside the POLICE STATION with a pram i had to sprint for cover under some random bridge..can you imagine what that must have looked like??? Dear oh dear! Still, we made it to baby sensory class, which was 'French' themed this week, and Harvey had a marvelous time! Ahhhhh OUI OUI!

Poor Harvey has been suffering with a spot of constipation the past few days, so in fact he couldn't actually let go and fully enjoy baby sensory quite as much as he normally would. As a new mother its quite overwhelming to discover how much it pains you to see your little one suffering. Needless to say i've done some things to help Harvey today that i would never have imagined having to do to anyone...and that in itself is probably saying too much! If you Google 'baby constipation' i'm telling you there are some straaaaaaaange suggestions out there! Its a whole new world when it comes to baby constipation i'm telling you! Yup yup! Don't go there unless you really have to...On a positive, Harvey seems to be feeling much better! Ill remind him of my efforts on his 21st birthday in front of his friends, and his girlfriend...perhaps ill reenact the situation via the medium of puppetry and song!...HA! I JEST! I would never do that...ahem...maybe i would a little! BUT Harvey is now sleeping soundly in his cot after all the exhaustion of pushing, rather like a woman after giving birth. As for me, i'm happy he is OK, although i cant seem to shift the smell of sudocrem from my hands! OK OK enough enough...Seriously, i have talked more about poop in the past 3 month than i have done in my entire 27 years on this planet! POOP POOP POOP!

Awwww, so Harvey is starting to make more and more baby noises now. Its the most adorable thing. Sometimes i think he surprises himself when he chortles some loud gurgle and wonders how he managed to do it. He has me giggling A LOT! But, he can really natter hey, he'll lay on his play mat and delve into a world of gurgling and giggling for hours at a time some days. Its great. Sometimes i like to lay on the floor next to him and have a little chat about stuff, hes such a good listener. It would seem sometimes i might take the conversation a little too far as i notice Harvey looking at me as if to say 'Mother, i don't know exactly what language you are speaking, nor do i care because quite frankly i don't want anything to do with it!' At which point i know its time to wash up and leave him alone with his Moo Moo and Sophie the Giraffe. They all seem to have a pretty good understanding of one another that i am unable to connect with at this stage.

Baby TV! Now there's a phenomena...its fabulous, i was dead set against having our babies watching too much TV when they came along. I thought children's TV these days was too violent and too old and nothing like the 'nice programmes we used to watch when we were kids'...BUT i have been mistaken. Baby TV is lovely and very educational...following the daily routine, everything from waking up to having lunch to getting ready for bed, amidst some lovely songs and brightly coloured imagery to captivate the developing mind of a newborn. Wonderful...my favourite is this short cartoon where jigsaw pieces skip around making different shapes and they sing this song which doesn't actually have any real words, but if you can imagine what a mouse would sound like if it could speak...right? Got that? And then use that voice to sing the following sounds... 'Ne na ne na na na na na ne....ne na ne na na, na na na ne. Ne na ne na, nam na na na neeeee, ne na ne na, na na na ne noooooooo.'. Its awesome, i sing it all the time. Baby TV is so good i've learned so much all ready. AND there's this cartoon about bugs, and its called 'The Big Bug Band' and they travel around on a little train type vehicle and stop and play songs, sometimes its classical and sometimes its more poppy. Again they don't use real words but they're really cool and the lead singer is a big bee. Really cute...its truly inspiring. When Harvey is old enough i will let him watch Baby TV.

So, i used to belong to an amateur dramatics society in Bath before i headed north to go to university. The group is called Zenith and its just celebrated it's 50th anniversary. To mark the occasion there was a big ball at The Guild Hall in Bath which was open to all current and ex members. So, being that Zenith marked quite a significant time in our lives, my darling friend Dora and I decided we would attend. As we were members from the age of 16 to 18, so we did a lot of growing up during that time (or not) and have some very vivid and fond memories of the shows, the friends we made, the antics...Now for me, finding an outfit for the ball became a bit of a THING...you know, 3 months after having a baby its not worth beating oneself up about the fact that your body is a different shape/size. I'm smart enough to know it takes time and its totally worth it. However, i am guilty of occasionally having a moan about the whole weight thing, as i think its fair to say we all do from time to time. So i went about trying to put together a suitable outfit...leaving it until 2 days before the event i decided it was time to try on a dress from my wardrobe...on went dress number one...NO! Too tight hate it, i'm going shopping! Went shopping and do you know what i've started doing! And this is quite sad and it makes me laugh now actually  is that i've started telling shop assistants quite randomly that i've just had a baby...its like i have to tell them. I found 2 dresses in one shop which were both lovely, and i decided to get them both and take them home to decide which one i would keep. But at the till i was explaining to the shop keeper that i had just had a baby...'So you see, i do have dresses at home, but i'm going to this ball and i've just had a baby, and i do have dresses, but they just look a bit weird right now, but its because i've just had a baby you see, give it a month and i probably wouldn't be here buying these dresses you see. Because i've just had a baby...you see, baby, dress, just had...'. Sooooo very sad! And the poor young girl just looked at me despairingly as if to say...'That's nice, i don't really care, can i have your credit card please.' Alas, i must be honest, i've done this in several shops now. And it must stop. Before i am sectioned to the denial police. I must say though, i had a wonderful evening at the ball with my beautiful friend Dora and everyone else that was there, you know who you are lovely people, it was a really special evening, i will never forget it.

I am my own worst enemy, Dora will tell you that. I put it down to an extensive imagination but perhaps, if i'm honest, that sounds a bit too complimentary. I'm just a bit mental. I do get paranoid about things that haven't actually and probably never will occur. They are just ideas created by my confused and somewhat scatty mind. Recently, for example, this has been focused upon my husband.  I was winding myself up about the fact that my husband will in fact at some stage trade me in for a younger model. Almost like a hatch back that you have grown tired of. In my case, hubby will trade me in for a 15 year old lanky gal with long golden locks and barbie figure. However, on serious reflexion and wise friendly words from some key people, i may not look like a Cindy doll, but i do know how to make hubby laugh and boy oh boy do i know how to make a mean curry! I thank you! (The audience applauds).

But seriously and on an end note. Since having my little Harvey Balls, i do in fact, despite all the wackiness and paranoia, have a new found confidence. You do learn quite quickly as a parent that its not all about you anymore. Its about your children, your family and friends. It's about recognising what is important and who is important and finding a balance to keep all of that together. Even if you don't always get it right, you can feel damn good for trying. The things that i used to worry about and think were important seem almost laughable to me now. And with all the crap that's going on in the world, sometimes it is hard not to feel the stresses and the strains that the big bad world can bring and the things that are beyond our control. But really, when you take a step back in and look at whats close around you its not hard to realise the things that make us truly happy and often they are so very simple and staring us right in the face.

Goodbye for now my friends and remember...SMILE AND THE WORLD SMILES WITH YOU! xxx

Friday 10 May 2013

WELCOME!!! Welcome to my world... (and a little story about a duck pond)

First things first, Hello, welcome, my name is Holly...I am a 27 year old female living in North Devon with my darling husband, 12 week old beautiful son and Trevor my pet Tiger. My hobbies include swimming, film (as in movies not cling film), musicals, skipping, feeding the birdies, baking for others and soup. I like soup.

I have decided to rekindle my love of writing by commencing this new blog. Despite who may or may not be interested. I do rather enjoy getting my thoughts out and have very much missed having a good old virtual rant about daily events such as what crazy happenings went on at the supermarket, what I ate for dinner or simply to just express trivial things, such as how I forgot once again to take my loyalty card to the car wash. I think you would agree with me when I say... exciting times ahead. 

It would seem relevant to mention at this point that hubby works offshore. He works on a month on month off rotation. He works very hard and has recently been promoted to role of supervisor on his vessel and I am most proud of him. I think it only fair to warn you that when he is away you may notice a slight change in my writing techniques...needless to say, one can be much changed without the regularity of adult conversation. So please do bare with me. Ill do my best to be well behaved. If at any point I lose you please do feel free to stick your hand up and I will do my best to answer any questions. Were all friends here. 

So, id like to start by telling you a little story, one that i think you will like...As most of you know last weekend was bank holiday here on the small island that is known to us all as England. Well, on this particular bank holiday we experienced joyous joyous sunshine. Oh it was lovely. Being local to Braunton, North Devon, i decided i would steer clear of the beach as the traffic was just horrendous and i can go to the beach whenever i like (na na na na naaaa). So, after minutes of deliberation and finger tapping, i decided it would be a super nice idea to walk to the duck pond, approximately 2 miles away, and back again. So this is what me and my darling little boy did. En route we called upon a friend of mine and her baby which was nice and they joined us. My oh my, what a lovely walk it was, the birds were singing, the sun was beaming and most definitely had its hat on, hip hip hoooray. A charming little grandad cap actually...anyway, we were having a lovely walk. Luckily i had a little bread left which i packed for the duckies as i know they like bread. As we all do, its encrusted into our brains. (A little joke there!)

As we walked through the village it was clear that the mood was a positive one, this was highlighted by the bustling holiday makers and happy locals greeting us as we pushed our prams by. How happy we all were. How delightful the day was turning out to be. As we approached the duck pond i listened to hear the familiar quacks that often commence as people approach, the quacking that spreads a smile onto my face like Marmite on a hot crumpet. Quacking that brings joy to my ears...BUT NO...not this time!!! 'How odd' i thought quietly to myself. Still, perhaps they were busy quacking somewhere else. Walking down the path we arrived at the jetty and proudly i removed the bread from the pram basket...I didn't want to show my concern, but it was evident that the ducks weren't as keen to see us as they usually are! Nor were the swans nor the moorhens...'What on earth is going on here???' I whispered to myself. Passing some bread to my pal i laughed off the ever growing concern, parked up the pram and stepped to the side, surely they would show interest if i started to throw the bread into the pond???...ALAS NO!...They didn't even entertain my efforts by paddling closer. Even the mass of seagulls looked at me as if i had a ridiculously large carrot growing out of my head! This surely was a dismal moment for me...and then, looking around, i noticed on the floor not a meter away a pile of uneaten bread crumbs! The bank holiday had quite clearly seen many duck pond visitors and the duckies were too full to even try a smidgen of my bread offering! You'd think they could have at least pretended!!! Can you believe that? Ducks turning fresh bread away!!! Well...I certainly wont be hurrying back there for a while, not if it means being shunted in that way! Honestly, ill never forget it! Ungrateful swines!!!...

...Still, be that as it may...I do actually really like ducks. They're in my top 5!